
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How The Global Economy Is Destroying Global Health

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According to Lancet, and the Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors Study in 2013, One of the Top Three Risk Factors for global disease burden was Air Pollution. Only ahead of this was Smoking Tobacco and High Blood Pressure. For those of you who may not know what the Lancet is, it's one of the worlds leading medical journals. The Lancet was founded in 1823. Its an independent and non-affiliated scientific organization that is globally renouned for its findings and contributions. Every major article the lancet publishes is rigorously peer reviewed, with an acceptance rate of around 5% of all articles.
Lancet found that of all things to be afraid of, you're more likely to be affected by the air you breathe and the water you drink than almost anything else. According to this study, that breath of air you take in or the drop of water that hits your skin is more dangerous to you than that bus that nearly hit you, or the threat of terrorists. According to another finding by lancet, in 2010, 3.2 million people died of air pollution and a total of 76 million disability-adjusted life-years in 2010 were lost.

On top of that, the same study revealed that Pollutants, when exposed to infants, can significantly increase infant mortality rates. Infant morality rate, while improving, is showing trends that reflect the severity of this problem. Globally, it has been proven that air pollution is linked to birth defects in children as well as children being born per-maturely and born under-weight. Even industrialized countries are seeing an increase of underweight births, the United states, from 2003 to 2004, saw a rise in that figure to 7.7% of non-smoker births being underweight, All this in a country that has had access to the latest technology, most current medicine, and most highly trained doctors. 
             3.2 million deaths linked to air pollution is striking when compared to the same assessment taken in 1990, where the number was only 800,000. From 1990 to 2010 the number of listed deaths from air pollution quadrupled. Which means that today, you are four times more likely to die from air pollution than in 1990

Why Haven't the countries of the world taken action?


The answer is they already did, but not in the way you would expect: 

The Kyoto protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan on December 1997. It entered into force on the 16th of February 2005. The protocol seeks to limit the effect of industrializing countries pollution levels. In theory, the idea had a lot of merit.
 The Protocol is still widely seen as an important first step, but unfortunately it has many loopholes and stops short in promoting real, substantial change. According to its website, the Kyoto Protocol, "... is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets." This public statement is both inaccurate and misleading as it hides the insincerity behind the initiatives actual function. That is to say, provide a legal means to purchase the ability to mass pollute under the guise of environmentalism.
To the press, and those who don't read into the details about the initiative, it seems to be a great leap forward in stemming the pollution crisis; Its not. There is one clause that has amazing repercussions in the Kyoto Protocol that was slipped in and hid from the general public. The Emissions trading clause. This clause, presents a substantial problem with the entire message behind what the Kyoto Protocol stands for. 

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It allows for countries that have emissions that are lower than the acceptable amount to sell their excess emission capabilities to countries that are over capacity. Thus allowing any country to over pollute and have no global repercussions or restrictions for their actions. It turns the ability to pollute into a commodity, that can be sold to any country with enough money. There's an entire organization, that was created under this treaty, to sell these new pollution bonds to developing countries.
 The Protocol is widely seen as an important first step, but unfortunately it has many loopholes and stops short in promoting real, substantial change. 
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The Countries shown above, are those that have seen the largest increase in their GDP from 2010-2015. They also coincide with the earlier picture that shows the largest global polluters. Economic sanctions, like trading international emissions, does nothing to impede this sectors growth. The lack of real accountability leads to the simple economic feasibility of expanding with fossil fuels over economically neutral practices.

Unfortunately, this even-responsibility ideal of has bred counterproductive measures. One of these such measures is a clause in the Protocol that allows for countries that have emissions that are lower than the acceptable amount to sell their excess emission capabilities to countries that are over capacity. Thus allowing for high polluting countries to over pollute and have no repercussions for their actions. This process, called International Emissions Trading defeats the greater purpose of limiting emissions, allowing for substantial exceptions.

A key aspect of the treaty is the composition of its members and their contributions. As Highlighted in the United Nations website,
  “During the first commitment period, 37 industrialized countries and the European Community committed to reduce GHG emissions to an average of five percent against 1990 levels. During the second commitment period, Parties committed to reduce GHG emissions by at least 18 percent below 1990 levels in the eight-year period from 2013 to 2020; however, the composition of Parties in the second commitment period is different from the first.”(Source

So to clarify, Yes, there was a shift in the amount of CO2 produced by the member states within the target timeline. However the composition of the member states changed; meaning that any state that wasn't going to meet the emissions guidelines simply left the agreement, nullifying the entire reason for the Protocol. That's the international equivalent of flipping over the Monopoly board during family game night because you were losing.

The End Result:

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A huge problem with the Protocol is that the United States, the second biggest polluter in the world, refuses to ratify the initiative. This is despite public opinion on the matter; which clearly shows United States Citizens understand the problem.
The picture above is not from some industrializing country in Asia, its of the Detroit Marathon Refinery which over-pollutes, even in terms of American Standards due to the various loopholes in our policy. 

 All these reasons as well as the global focus on growth over environmental feasibility lead to the final analysis. As citizens we are only able to control so much, and with the recent impediments on our relative voice compared to the ultra-wealthy we were made even weaker. The United States public opinion is already against promoting practices that contribute to climate change. Realistically speaking, the only reason why we continue to promote these outdated and inefficient practices over their renewable counterparts is due to the power of special interest groups.
As a nation we need to speak up and act. Until we do, our collective goals will be sidestepped in lieu of the ultra-wealthy.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Power Transition Theory and Solar Energy

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How the Energy Battle is Going to Play Out:

In International Relations and Affairs there is one predominant theory that both frightens and fascinates those who come across it. The Power Transition Theory in International Affairs attempts to categorically trace the historical outcomes of different global and regional shifts of power between two or more states. The theory, at its basis, finds that in the majority of cases, as one power declines and another power rises, conflict is inevitable. How this conflict presents itself is the subject of much debate. In the Cold War between Soviet Union and the United States, that conflict was predominantly economic and political, with some aspects of ground warfare.

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This theory is currently being used to analyze how the United States is dealing with the rise of China.

In this post-globalization world, the majority of actions that affect global affairs have to do with non-state actors. Non-state actors are both political actors; unaffiliated militant groups (Terrorists and militias) and economic actors; multinational corporations and transactions between states and corporations, to name a few.

The Energy Crisis:

In the next few years the world will see a shift in the public image of renewable and non-renewable energies alike. This shift in both public opinion and access to new sources of energy will be the result of an intense battle that even now is raging. This battle, similar to that of the cold war, or the looming economic shift that may be a result of a second world superpower on the rise, can be explained through the use of the Power Transition Theory.

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The two major actors in this battle will not, as historically seen, be states, but rather the alternate forms of energy sources available to the general public. The two major sources that will be either condemned or applauded, depending on your political background will be coal and solar energy. This analysis is based around the current availability of coal and its ability to generate cleaner energy through new sources of refinement. The solar choice is difficult because the entire field of renewable energy technology is expanding exponentially. However, given the recent breakthrough in energy storage technology by both Toyota and Tesla, its poised to overtake other sources of renewable energy as highlighted in a recent post.

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The United States, as of 2013, receives roughly 90.5% of its energy from non-renewable sources. However, the growth in output from solar energy doubled in the United States from 2013 to 2014. Granted, diminishing returns shows that figure to be exponentially more difficult to achieve as the sector increases in size, just as 200% of 1 is 2 and 200% of 2 is 4. That growth is inherently unsustainable long term, as reflected in the graph below.

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However, that growth shows no signs of slowing down in terms of short term. What this means is that while you're not going to see an overnight change in your neighborhood's roofs surface area solar panel usage, over the next ten years you are going to see a lot more about solar energy. The reason being is that non-renewable sources are scared, and for good reason. As expressed in a past post of mine, energy consumption at its basis is a zero-sum gain.

Realistically speaking, everything that the renewable energy sector gains is taken away from the non-renewable profits. This isn't a huge problem now, the price of oil is staggeringly low, but the law of diminishing returns can also be used to assess the access to oil. To meet world energy demands, new, expensive ways to access oil are becoming more common. As can be seen though to access these reserves is size-ably more expensive as the historical alternatives. Oil, gas, and coal being non-renewable are eventually not going to be feasible in terms of energy demand. This growing demand on a limited resource will just serve to expiate the process of consumption, and as the supply of these resources will fall, the demand will rise. In this realistic and unavoidable future, the answer lies in renewable energy.

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On top of all of this the current price of oil is unsustainable. Its a mixture of political retribution of the country of Iran from Saudi Arabia and the United States for Iran's Nuclear Energy research, and the rise of the American fracking industry. This attempt at strangling United States oil and Iran's Nuclear energy is costing Saudi Arabia an incredible amount of money and is at its heart a very short term operation.

So What Does This Mean for the Average American Consumer?

The price of gas is going to go up. There's no doubt in that. Unfortunately, that's simply the nature of a non-renewable source of energy, in contrast however, the price of solar energy and other renewable energy sources is plummeting year by year.

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Here's the reflective price for that energy:

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Translation: If you buy solar panels today you will have the most return for your investment in solar history. The same cannot be said for non-renewable sources. Unfortunately, unlike solar energy, the future for fossil fuels doesn't look to bright.

A showdown is going to happen between the powerful coal, oil, and gas corporations and that of renewable energy. At the end of the day, with this type of situation, the future is clear. Renewable energy is happening, for the benefit of mankind as a whole, and their respective wallets. 

For more information on how/why you should switch to solar energy, go here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Has Fossil Fuel Finally Met Its Match?

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  The Beginning of a Massive Shift:

When the world changes, I'm interested. I come from a large family in a small Massachusetts town. Growing up I always loved finding better ways to do things. Whether that came in the form of devising new ways to shovel out our driveway or re-organizing how my college organization manages mail to save a few bucks. I love the ability to act and find positive results. Like any true New Englander, I know when the season is about to change and when to trade in my snow boots for summer. It's clear to me that now is the time to act, and I plan on convincing you that you should too.

There was recently a leap in technology. Unfortunately, the story did not get the amount of press that it was due. As of this month, both Toyota and Tesla are releasing a new form of energy storage that has the capacity to decimate energy costs.

The 2015Toyota Miuri: Image Source

The most crucial aspect of the new release is Toyota's new battery, it has the ability to change the entire way pay for energy. Toyota recently released their new Miuri, which means "future" in Japanese. This car is revolutionary in many ways. One of the major ways that's not being reported on heavily is its technological application in terms of generating power for houses. The battery that supplies this car with energy can be reconfigured easily to generate energy for a house. When tested this provided enough power for an average Japanese house to last a whole week. That amount of energy storage, up until recently, was impractical and too expensive to justify. This release is nothing short of groundbreaking.

Tesla, another leading renewable energy car company answered this challenge by Toyota by releasing its new battery that has the ability to end your reliance on fossil fuels for good. This battery, which allows for you to effectively store and use enough power to care for yourself is unbelievable its its perspective applications. The battery is designed and proven, all that's left is the mass production.

Elon Musk, Image Source
 Musk is no stranger to innovation but this new development is earth shattering.

So What Can We Get Out of This?

The short answer, potentially free energy for life.

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The issue of energy storage has plagued Solar Energy systems from their creation. The inherent nature of the technology provides the most amount of power during the time of day when the average consumer uses the least. So the maximum benefits of this technology hasn't been reached, until now.

Roughly 90.5% of all energy consumed in the United States in 2013 came from non-renewable, relatively expensive sources. As highlighted in a previous article of mine, solar energy could easily replace the need for fossil fuels, and do so relatively cheaply.

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I mean saving money is saving money but there's no point leaving any of it on the table. Dollar and cents wise, this makes the switch to solar the investment of a lifetime. Currently its possible to switch to solar for little or no money out of pocket if you invest in a solar energy system from SolarCity.
The future for lack of a better phrase has never been brighter for these energy companies who already have unbelievable growth.

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What makes Musk's unveiling so powerful is that it solves the single largest hurdle in stopping Solar Energy from booming and taking over the energy market. The new ability to store energy obtained throughout the day will allow for the continued use overnight and a 100% efficiency that has escaped these companies so far.

Why you should switch:

In the meanwhile if you don't switch to Solar soon, the exodus of educated consumers to solar energy will mean an increase in the average cost per watt if you stick to the old, non-renewable sources. A simple supply and demand concept proves that as these outdated energy companies lose customers they will have to increase rates on their goods in order to continue being profitable. This means more cost per consumer and less feasibility in terms of return for your dollar.

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With a zero-sum gain type of situation as represented in the United States energy market, every watt supplied by solar energy is a watt taken away from those of destructive and non-renewable sources like coal and oil. The battle is likely to become a messy one, its important to see the forest for the trees and invest in solar before wasting more money sustaining the current energy model.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Five Reasons Why Solar Energy Matters

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I know what you're thinking, sounds boring. 

At its heart, solar energy is just like any other science. Its a mass of scientific data and findings that seems like it has no application in your every day life. Up until recently I didn't pay attention to it either.

How Solar Energy Works

  • Solar Panels collect energy from sunlight
  • A control device changes the energy into a form that you can use to power your devices
  • The Energy then flows into a breaker Box into the Outlets of the building

1. Solar Energy is Coming Whether you are Ready or Not.

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Solar Energy is clearly the way of the future. The realities on the ground are that every hour, enough energy from the sun reaches Earth to meet the world's energy usage for an entire year. Let that figure land for a second.

To put this in perspective, if you were to put solar panels in the Libyan desert, which is less than 1/18th of the Sahara Desert, you could power All of Europe and North Africa. Can you imagine a world where energy wasn't something to fight and kill over, but considered a basic human right. Think of everything that could be done if the cost of energy in the world was to be drastically reduced or even eliminated?

2. Governments are Gearing up for the Shift to Solar.


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Governments across the globe are already preparing for the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy. The International Renewable Energy Association or IRENA is tasked with doing just that. IRENA currently has 139 current state members and 32 states that are seeking membership. To put that in perspective, The United Nations currently has 193 Member States after 70 years. The growth of this association as well as the recent immense gains in Solar Energy Technology put solar energy at the forefront of replacing fossil fuels.

3. It's the Future of our Economy.


US Solar Energy grew 418% from 2010 to 2014. Its becoming a huge part of our economy and has the ability to solve our energy crisis.Companies like SolarCity have unprecedented growth and work on a mutual gain platform for both the consumer and the company.

 US solar capacity 2010-2014 chart via US Energy Information Administration

The growth in this sector is staggering, and its not predicted to slow anytime soon.

 4. Its The Place to Find Jobs.


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On top of all of this, business Rock-Stars are investing heavily in Solar Energy. 
  • Larry Page, of Google is investing heavily in Solar energy. In 2007, Google outfitted their Mountain View Campus with a 1.7 MW Solar Energy system.   and invested $350 million into SolarCity's SolarFund. 
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All this adds up to a new field of emerging jobs in almost all sectors of the economy.

5. Its incredibly affordable.


  • Lower Utility Costs
    •  Lower your energy bill substantially with little or no money down
  • Fixed Rate of Energy
    • A 20 year fixed rate of energy costs from SolarCity regardless of energy trends

SolarCity currently exists in sixteen different states: 
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It's Possible to get Solar Energy configured onto your house with no money down. 
  •  To find out more visit here
Companies like Google and JP Morgan have invested into this fund that allows for you to receive the benefits of solar with no money down.

I recently talked to John Esposito, who is a Customer Care Specialist at SolarCity and went through the process of obtaining solar panels on your home. 

The Steps are as Followed:

  1. Visit the website here or Call (888)765-2489.
  2. Schedule a consultation with a SolarCity Representative
  3. If your Home is determined to be feasible for solar panels you have two main options
    1. Invest your own money into the panels
      • 20 year fixed rate lease
        • Same amount for energy regardless of market trends
      • purchase of entire system
    2.  Solar Fund
      • Companies like Microsoft and JP Morgan invest for you
      • 20 year contract in which 6 years of energy gains go towards the SolarFund
      4. Reap the benefits of Solar Energy

The Process by which they determine whether you are eligible for the program is free and accessible.
 If you live in a state that has SolarCity representatives (highlighted above in green)you just need to visit their website here or call (888) 765-2489.